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  • Glass partition installation must have little comm

    Glass partition can be a good home for the division of the room, due to the transparency of fireproof glass, but also does not allow space to b...


  • The office high partition door

    Company engineering, the installation of office glass partition is the need for professional and technical, the general decoration company is not professional enough, the enterprise itself is not to save money and their own hands-on installation, office high partition installation is in place related to the use of security. Perhaps we see high compartment installation technician at installation time feel nothing difficult ah, is the point of junction stay put, there are some of the more important details not contempt, 老哥俱乐部 group of Beijing glass partition installation engineer will inform you these little details, to teach you how to identify high install office cubicle partition door of the little details.

    1, in the installation of office glass partition door, the top of the door and the door can be opened on the following axis, to prevent the door can not be opened and closed;

    2, fire glass doors to use steel weighing skeleton, support the rotation of the shaft must be welded on the balance beam to prevent the door shaft due to prolonged use and fall off;

    3, spring in the pre buried to dig a rectangular hole in the ground area, it is the spring base 10mm, and by the strength of cement sealed, 48 hours after the cement solidification can be installed in the glass door, the door along the distance from 8 to 12mm, to prevent the door from sagging wipe;

    4, the door to the bottom of the door to the center of the door frame, the installation of the glass door on the beautiful;

    5, fire glass doors on the beam along the distance from 3 to 6mm, to prevent the door and the door clamp connection will not fall off;

    6, fire glass doors installed, to connect to the site and door clip and get some butter, can make the door rotate flexibly, can also use more time.

    老哥俱乐部 Group Beijing glass partition, professional glass partition production and installation of two decades, tailor-made for you various types of glass partition, fire glass partition the profile.



  • Beijing fire glass partition decoration taboo

    People's Republic of China Ministry of housing and urban rural development, No. 830th red paper, is now approved the "residential interior deco...


  • 办公室玻璃隔断的种类介绍

    隔断是一种到顶的,可完全划分空间的高隔断,又称高隔间。专业型的高隔断间,不仅能实现传统的空间分隔的功能,而且他在采光、隔音、防火、环保、易安装、玻璃隔断可重复利用、可批量生产等特点上明显优于传统隔墙。 1、普通玻...


  • 晶莹剔透的玻璃隔断,引领时下的装修潮流


    1.考虑使用哪种框架结构, 组成结构所使用的金属材料及结构断面是否符合抗侧撞击的要求并通过相关检测。

    2.玻璃的选择, 就是挑选花纹。裂纹舒展清新的效果最好。夹层玻璃隔断与防火玻璃隔断在意外撞击发生时,玻璃碎片将被牢固地粘在玻璃中的薄膜上,不会四散崩溅出碎片,可以说夹层玻璃是完全意义上的安全玻璃。






  • 注重玻璃隔断保养,延长高隔间的使用寿命






  • 北京玻璃隔断施工方案

    1、施工准备 1) 材料构配件玻璃采用钢化防火玻璃材料在玻璃制品工厂加工制作 2) 主要机具 机具:电锤 工具:丝锥、螺丝刀、玻璃胶枪等 2、工艺流程 施工程序:测量放线-材料订购-上、下部位钢件制作安装-安装玻璃-涂胶-清洗。 1) 测量放线:根...
